Thursday, February 26, 2009


Summer, Winter, Autumn, Spring. Four names I could probably call my kids and get away with it. Well, being a chicagoan I must enjoy the seasonal change or else I'd probably find a nice high place to hang myself by now. This whole change of weather kind of makes things a bit interesting I mean and one point frozen water is falling from the sky and maybe not a week later mother nature is getting all hot and heavy...not literally of course. I mean the weather gets all warm and windy you sickos. Anyway the chaging seasons can get quite interesting around Chicago. We do get some of the craziest weather ever however we must press onward.


Spring, everything starts to come back to life. The flowers look oh so pretty! Many different shades of green are sprouting up from everywhere and cute little bunnies are hopping across the grass. Yea definitely my least favorite season ever. It gets quite rainy and everyone knows that rain is just depressing. We all have experienced those grey spring days where we end up just sitting inside and rotting our cores by watching absolutely nothing on TV. I mean usually the best thing on TV end up being like, I don't know, MacGuyver. MacGuyver never even makes any sense with all his ingenuity. He can somehow put together a smoke bomb with leaves, sticks, paper, and a long ass piece of string. I think he has some super power but thats another story. The only really great thing about spring is that Summer follows in all its glory. Summer is quite the powerhouse giving way to all the fun activities like going to the beach, playing some sport at the park, picking up every single lady you see, because those are all strictly summer things. No other season may have those things ever! Anyway, summer is grand in all and Autumn can be quite nice if you live in Michigan which is why it gets its props over Spring, but Winter probably my favorite. Snow = Awesome. You can build so many different static structures out of it like for instance a snow fort and then have pizza delivery men deliver pizzas to it. This is true I have had that done, and the answer is yes the delivery man does get quite the look on his face when he delivers it to a snow fort. You know. . .now that I realize it I probably should changed this section to the Seasons and I because I'm not really relating this to you am I?


I find marketing one of the oddest things in the world, next to stoicheometry, but honestly it must suck to have to figure out a sales plan for an item one can only sell in a small window of time. Christmas trees for instance. A salesman has from about the end of November to the end of December to sell Christmas trees and that it. You have to haul all of those into your store and then back out because they can only be there for a month. Now a couple days ago I had to watch the Daily Show for AP Government and they came across a phenomenal thing that could essentially kill two birds with one stone. We can save the economy and use Christmas trees at potentially anytime during the year. The Solution's name? EMERGENCY CHRISTMAS. Brilliant. Simply Brilliant. It would kick up spending and many more people would need to buy their Christmas trees. Now there are many other examples of seasonal items but we don't have the time to sit here and just go through more than 1. . .hence x-mas trees. . .

Seasons. . .OUT

Oh Ryan Seacrest. What a tool you can be sometimes with your goofy leaving phrases. (Seacrest. . .Out for those of you who are not up to date on pop culture) So at this time we come to a close for today's blog. One thing I would like to leave with is that if you happen to live in the southern hemisphere you are probably experiencing summer right now and as much as I love winter, there just isn't enough snow and I somewhat envy that whole southern half of the globe over there. But I must be going. If you have any suggestions on what you'd like to hear me rant about I'd be more than happy to take emails at

Thanks again

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya on the cold weather/hot and heavy thing. Anyways - thanks for following my blog!
